the backend


This is the backend. It collect all the performance metrics from the agents. It monitor the metrics, store the data in a mysql database and compute aggregates.


The configuration file

# vi /etc/watched/back.config.json
        /*      Configure the data aggregate process */
        "aggregate" : 
                "ah_retention" : 1826, /*       Number of days the hours aggregates are kept (default: 5 years) */
                "am_retention" : 120, /*        Number of days the minuts aggregates are kept (default: 4 months)*/
                "h_delay" : 2, /*               Delay before the data is aggregated in hours */
                "m_delay" : 30, /*              Delay before the data is aggregated in minutes */
                "retention" : 30 /*             Number of days the raw data is being kept (default: 1 month) */
        /*      MySQL database informations */
        "db" : 
                "connection_string" : "localhost:3306", /*   MySQL database connection string */
                "database_name" : "watcheddb", /*            MySQL database name */
                "login" : "watched", /*                      MySQL login */
                "password" : "watched", /*                   MySQL password */
                "pool_size" : 32 /*                          Number of concurrent connections to the database */

For now the backend doesnt check for changes in its configuration file, so after each edit you'll need to restart it using :

# systemctl restart watched.back

Adding agents

Until the frontend offer a better option, adding an agent is just a matter of inserting a line in the database.

$ mysql -u watched -D watcheddb -p
insert into agents(host,port) values('localhost',9080);

For now the backend doesnt check for changes in this table, so after each insert (or delete) you'll need to restart it using :

# systemctl restart watched.back