
Watched is build on top of new technologies

It feature a modern looking front-end. And use technologies you're used to run like mysql or php. The agents provide a REST API, and everything is collected into a single mysql database. This mean you'll be able to build your own reports. Stop trying to dig in NDO or RRD databases.

Watched is highly available, scalable and secure

You can use multiple backend to collect the same agent, so if one fail, there's still monitoring. You can split your agents in distinct domains, allowing you to monitor different data-centers in the same infrastructure. Use mysql replication technologies to support a global highly available installation. SSL can be used secure the infrastructure end-to-end.

Watched is simple by default, customisable by design

Watched sane default behavior allow you to minimize your deployment time. No need to configure every single service you want to monitor. They will be detected and monitored automatically. You can write new plugins (in C++ or lua) to detect any service the current detectors miss or to enhance the collected metrics. Backend plugins are planed too