
Configure applications and their relationship from kubernetes

logo Rust Kubernetes

Apache licensed ci docker image

This repository contains a custom Kubernetes controller that can create/update/delete REST object on RESTfull api-endpoint. The main goal is to not write a post-install Job filled with curl commands ever again for my applications deployments on Kubernetes. Inspirations come from the excellent restapi terraform provider and Tekton.

Use cases

  • Configure OpenID applications in most ID-provider to provide seamless integration between applications
  • Configure your own forge projects
  • Configure any application that provide REST endpoints (that’s a lot of them)


(TL;DR: kubectl apply -k github.com/sebt3/kuberest//deploy)

Since this is a kubernetes operator, the installations steps are:

  • first the CustomResourceDefinition
  • then the operator controlling the ressources

Feel free to pick any of the installtions options for both.



kubectl apply -f deploy/crd/crd.yaml


kubectl apply -k github.com/sebt3/kuberest//deploy/crd



helm template charts/kuberest | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl wait --for=condition=available deploy/kuberest --timeout=30s


kubectl apply -k github.com/sebt3/kuberest//deploy/operator


helm repo add kuberest https://sebt3.github.io/kuberest/
kubectl create ns kuberest
helm install kuberest/kuberest kuberest --namespace kuberest

Tenant aware

The controller can either function per-namespace (refuse to read secrets from other namespace mostly) or behave globally. The default behaviour is to limit to current namespace, to activate, set the environement variable MULTI_TENANT to false (or tenants.enabled=false for the chart)